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Movement groups to re-establish safety & connection
in the body, develop the inner witness, & restore intuition
Join us for five weeks of movement exploration to develop consciousness & intuition through Authentic Movement. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays and Wednesdays of each month at the Neighborhood Yoga Shanthi Way Studio, 129 Shanthi Way, Boone, NC. Mondays will include one hour of online instruction/discussion and Wednesdays will include 2 hours of movement experience.
Online zoom instruction dates: Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30pm
March 17, 31
April 14
May 5, 19
Studio experience/instruction dates: Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm
March 19
April 2, 16
May 7, 21
Cost for the series is $180. Accepted forms of payment include cash, check, paypal, venmo and Zelle.
If you're interested in participating but unable to attend all 5 weeks, please contact Kendal McDevitt to discuss options. ( or 828-773-8883.)
Mondays: Zoom
Wednesdays: Neighborhood Yoga, 129 Shanthi Way, Boone, NC
Week of March 17: Introduction to Authentic Movement and the Role of the Mover
Week of March 31: Introduction to Authentic Movement and the Role of the Mover
Week of April 14: Introduction to Authentic Movement and the Rose of the Moving Witness
Week of May 5: Introduction to Authentic Movement and the Rose of the Silent Witness
Week of May 19: Introduction to Authentic Movement and the Rose of the Speaking Witness
Suggested (not required) reading material is the book Offering from the Conscious Body by Janet Adler. The book can be purchased on Amazon for $25.
Questions? Contact Kendal McDevitt at or 828-773-8883.
*Note: Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email that will provide the zoom link for the recurring Monday meetings. It will not "confirm" the Wednesday 2-hour movement groups, but once you receive the confirmation email you will know you are registered for 5 weeks of Zoom and studio instruction.
Contact Kendal McDevitt at or 828-773-8883.
Kendal McDevitt has been involved with dance, contemplative movement and embodiment practices for most of her life. She trained extensively in ballet and modern dance and attended summer sessions at the North Carolina School of the Arts and the American Dance Festival. Additionally, she has trained in Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Body-Mind Centering, Body-Mind Psychotherapy, Soul Focused Energy Healing and Contemplative Dance Practice (CDP).
Kendal’s Authentic Movement training began in college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Melinda Ripps, and continued with her master's degree program for Somatic Psychology (Dance/Movement Therapy focus) at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Her Authentic Movement teachers in Boulder included Patricia Mowry-Rutter, Cassie Bull and Eleni Levidi. She later experienced an Authentic Movement immersion weekend with Paula Sager and Joan Webb, and subsequently applied for and was accepted into Janet Adler’s Circle of Four Authentic Movement Discipline training program. She co-founded an ongoing Authentic Movement peer group in Boone, North Carolina in 2005. For a more thorough list of her embodiment training and experience, review her Embodiment Training Vitae.
Kendal’s previous professional experience includes teaching dance and movement classes, being a therapist, and working in higher education (primarily in public health and wellness) for 15 years. She currently runs a private practice centered on Soul Focused Energy Healing, Neurofeedback training, and Authentic Movement facilitation. She is dedicated to the development of consciousness and believes that the body is the vessel through which consciousness grows.
Authentic Movement is an expressive, contemplative movement practice involving movers and witnesses that allows participants a type of free association of the body. For both the mover and the witness, work is concentrated in the development of the inner witness. With eyes closed, movers listen to and follow an inner impulse to move in the presence of an accepting witness. Movement may arise from sensation, imagery, memory, thought, and/or direct experience. This practice supports individuals to align with and move from an intuitive, aligned state in the presence of another, strengthening their ability to track embodied experience, and practicing self-referencing speech as a means of bringing consciousness to their body’s wisdom. Through this form of deep listening and conscious speaking, we literally return to our senses, reawakening our innate knowing of our own unique experience of Wholeness - a return to our Soul and to God/Spirit - which together are the source of our intuition.
In these groups, we co-create a safe space, honoring the profound gift of each person present and the embodied expression of both personal and collective that are available to come through. We begin each session checking in, briefly discussing the practice and then exploring the rich landscape of listening to our inner impulses to move.
• A simple yet profound practice for deep listening and connection
• An opportunity to slow down and be with direct inner experience
• A safe space to move and express freely without judgment or limitation
• An invitation to explore our relationship to being seen & supported unconditionally
• An increased understanding of our habitual patterns and "authentic" movement impulses
• An opportunity to deepen our ability to differentiate between personality, Soul & Collective
• Anyone wanting to develop their intuitive self
• Anyone wanting to expand their creative skills or embodied expression
• Parents wanting to reconnect with their own bodies, rhythm, and trust
• Professionals who want to slow down and listen to their inner voices
• Anyone who wants to strengthen their body-based connection with Soul and God/Spirit
"As a witness, Kendal is grounded in her physical body and owns her inner experience while offering witnessing to others. She is particularly gifted at speaking from an embodied perspective. Kendal has both strong leadership and collaboration skills, and is attentive to the group’s unfolding process. She is an excellent communicator, and I’ve watched her introduce the basics of Authentic Movement to newcomers with ease and clarity. She is deeply caring, has humility, and has the inner strength to make difficult decisions within a group context." -MO
"Kendal consistently modeled for us the power and importance of conscious speech, and when needed, helped others to learn the skill through feedback. She taught us the concepts of the collective body as distinguished from the individual body, as well as different forms of witnessing. Most notable of these was her ability to be present to her own felt sense as she witnessed another moving." -NB
"She was an incredible organizer & quiet leader. She was passionate about the practice, about sharing it, and the value it brought to her life. Her ability to teach the principles through didactic interactions demonstrated a deep commitment to her knowledge base and her desire to share the practice in its purest form. The quality of this aspect of her teaching was only surpassed by the way she actually lived the principles of AM as she moved with us and processed with us." -KP
111 Brookside Drive (Home Office)
2348 NC Hwy 105 Suite #9 (M-Th)
184 Realty Row, Suite 3 (Fridays only)
Boone, NC 28607
(828) 773-8883